This is the third of a five-part series. Did you miss posts 1 and 2? Read them here.

We’ve covered best practices around choosing a great, global .Biz domain name, localized content and universal design. Now it’s time to better understand how to develop consistent messaging and branding on your global websites, despite various language translations.

Check out tips 5 and 6 to find out!

5.) Consistent Messaging and Branding:
When developing and optimizing your website for a global audience, be careful to choose messaging and branding that will connect with customers everywhere. Test your creative in different marketplaces, across cultures. While you may choose to tweak your global strategy for certain regions, your overall message and brand should remain recognizable from anywhere in the world.

 Small businesses should look to successful multinational corporations for real-world examples of successful online messaging and branding that transcends borders, including Coca-Cola, GE, Apple and Microsoft, among others.

6.) Language Translation:
Today, most web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox provide auto-translation options for websites. However, the accuracy of these auto-translators is sometimes questionable (i.e. variation in local translations – American English vs. British English, etc.). To ensure that your target audience views your website in the correct translation, it may be best to work with local professionals to manually translate your content. By prominently displaying a language selector on your website, you can direct visitors to a version of your website in their preferred language. View examples of effective corporate language selectors here.

However, if your resources are thin and you must rely on auto-translators, there are a few best practices you can follow to help ensure correct translation of your website into multiple languages such as avoiding the obvious mistakes of using local slang, metaphors and clichés. For more tips on writing for a global audience, check out the article “Writing Websites for a Global Audience.”  It will also be worth your while to test all content on auto translating sites such as Google Translate and Bing Translator and others.

 Coming soon: “glocal” SEO and automated currency conversion.